Our Services

Learn what we can provide

Laboratory Services

for ruby, diamond, jade and gemstones.

Online Verification

Verification process is as easy as 123. Enter your verification number and click validate.

Diamond Guide

Download the GIL 4 C’s Diamond Guide to help you through the buying process.

Our Certification SAmple

Gem Testing, Diamond quality Reports, Jewelry Quality Reports Consultation

Jewelry Certification Simple

The Jewellery report provide detail description of Jewellery item, the weight of the gemstone, metal and clear colour photograph of the item.

Gemstone Certification Simple

The gemstone idene-ification report clearly states whether the stone is natural, synthetic or treated. The report also provides additional data about its weight, cut, shape, measurement, colour, transparency, magnification (inclusions), photograph of stone and major optical characteristics. If the gemological analysis is conclusively revealed, the country of origin added on the report.